
Investigador Sênior de Fraudes

Belém / PA

Vaga cód. 29363604563

Oportunidade aberta em Belém, PA na área Administrativa, postada em 08/05/2024.

RecSel International


RecSel International é a consultoria especializada em recrutamento para trabalhos de auditoria em toda a Europa.

Descrição do Cargo


Investigador Sênior de Fraudes

Saia na frente: Vaga ofertada por parceiro do Jobbol:

This leading multinational manufacturing Fortune 500 Company is looking for an experienced fraud and forensic expert to oversee forensic projects around South America.

The position can be located in either Belo Horizonte or Espírito Santo region (as the company has a number of locations in Brazil).

The job will focus on undertaking internal investigations of alleged or suspected violations of criminal law and corporate policies - so you will focus on initially gathering, reviewing, and analysing data in support of an investigation and then your role will be focused on overseeing various investigations across the business.

You will be required to address allegations of fraud in the company as well as providing effective recommendations and solutions to identified issues and follow-up reviews.

You will also do some fraud awareness but the majority of the work is investigations.

In order to apply candidates should have some years of fraud experience gained from either the big 4 or working for a leading multinational group.

English and Portuguese are required. Other languages such as Spanish would be welcomed.

For more information, please see our video

Candidate-se nesta oportunidade

Se a vaga (29363604563) Investigador Sênior de Fraudes em Belém / PA
é compatível com suas expectativas, envie seu currículo agora mesmo.
Oportunidade ofertada por site parceiro do Jobbol, você será encaminhado para a página de registro de candidatura, boa sorte!

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